55 Unique sustainability research topics and ideas to think about

Sustainability is a fascinating concept that ensures stability between economy, the environment and equity. To protect the environment, sustainability initiatives have a significant role to play. So, in light of conservation-related aspects many educational institutions request students to write an essay about any sustainability topic.

The concept of sustainability is focused on meeting current requirements without compromising the capability of the next generation. In recent times, many sustainability initiatives are executed on ingenuous sustainable research topics. In the case of the writing for an environmental research report you should consider topics that are sustainable. Are you currently searching for intriguing topics for your sustainability project? If so, continue reading this blog article.

Finding the best research topic is a challenging procedure. The selection of a topic usually requires much more effort. Therefore, to help you with this we’ve provided some of the most sought-after research topics and concepts about sustainability. Check it out and choose the appropriate subject for your study.

Top Sustainability research topics and Ideas

Sustainable development is an expansive term that encompasses a variety of research areas. Some of the most sought-after research areas within the field include energy conservation, natural resources sustainable transport green energy, renewable energy, and green construction. Beyond these you could also explore the latest environmental concerns and come up with innovative sustainability projects. Don’t limit your attention to environmental issues. It is also possible to apply the concept of sustainability to the fields of education, business, construction or any other field.

Below are some best sustainability research topics to consider for the research essay.

Sustainability Research Topics for Education

Sustainable classrooms decrease absenteeism. Show the evidence.
 Interventions to change behavior in colleges of higher education.

Examine the student demand for more, different or more sustainable education?

Discuss the roles of higher education institutions in tackling global challenges like gender inequality, poverty or climate changes?

The strengths and the weaknesses that sustainability education has to offer.

How can we make use of existing sustainability initiatives on campus to support educational activities?

Sustainable Topics in Waste Management

What are the reasons we should prevent garbage from being deposited in the oceans?

Examine the different kinds and amounts of waste that are produced in educational institutions.

What regulations from the government will affect the types of waste that are disposed of?

What are the ways that improved recycling technology can influence the waste that winds in landfills?

What can people do in the community to decrease the amount of waste that is generated?

The best method to reduce garbage – landfills or incineration?

Discuss the most efficient ways to cut down on waste in large cities.

Discuss the process by which Sweden transforms its waste into heat.

Are taxes on items that are used once help reduce the amount of garbage that is disposed of in the garbage dumps?

Define the ways in which Denmark reduces the amount of food it throws away.

The Food Sustainability and Sustainability research Topics

How do food programs help communities?

Are cities required to establish community gardens in order to cut down on food wasted?

The role of the government in enhancing the amount of food available.

Consider the advantages of purchasing local produce from local farmers.

Is your city able to host an initiative to donate food?

Food leftovers from restaurants can be donated to shelters for homeless?

What is the reason to help local food market?

Discuss the most efficient ways to grow your food.

How does the quantity of food consumed affect the natural environment?

Study the global food scarcity issue.

The top Sustainability research paper Topics

How can “green universities” improve students’ mental health?

What causes pollution to increase the severity of sickness among people?

Should cities require the installation of solar panels in larger structures?

How can developing nations to maintain clean water?

Buffet-style dining can help or hurt the sustainability goals?

How can we increase the quality and quantity of the air, by decreasing pollution?

Talk about the benefits of obtaining the fair-trade certificate on the campuses of universities.

Discuss the relationship between pollution and overpopulation.

Paper towels are more efficient than hand dryers when it comes to decreasing the transmission of germs?

Can keeping your house at a certain temperature lower the cost of energy?

Transportation Sustainability Topics

Check out hybrid and electric vehicles.

Discuss the environmental and health advantages of cycling to work.

Examine how travel has been a factor in global warming over the last 10 years.

Do you think it is a good idea that the state invests in bike infrastructure?

Investigate the potential of bike sharing between campuses.

How can a city be redesigned to make it bike- and walk-friendly?

Review the advantages and costs of biofuels versus petroleum or electric energy.

Are taxis beneficial to the surroundings?

What can companies and institutions that offer higher-education institutions do in order to decrease employee travel, or to encourage different travel patterns?

The advantages of integrating public transportation infrastructures.

Fantastic Sustainability Topics for a Research Paper

Talk about the benefits of a plant-based, plant-based diet.

Are employers able to cut down on cost of energy by incorporating more natural light?

What will climate change be a cost to various countries of the future?

What is it that means sustainability in 21st-century?

The negative effects of rise in sea levels.

Study the sustainability policies of the developed and developing nations.

Comparing and contrasting non-profit organisations that are focused on improving sustainability.

The importance of terraces or roof gardening.

Do governments need to invest more money in solar energy technology?

How do they Sweden preserve their environment as compared to other nations?

The Wrapping Up

From the collection of original sustainability research topics that are suggested within this article, you are free to choose any topic you like. If you’re in need of more ideas on sustainability or assignments, get in touch with us for best assignment help. We have a group of academic writers who can help you find an appropriate topic. Additionally, we can assist you in writing high-quality research documents about any subject.

Read more: 110+ top topics for immigration ideas and essays